May 8, 2018

Ghana’s Economic Development: Past, Present and the Future.

Fiscal Alert 12: Ghana’s Economic Development: Past, Present and the Future. After a successful implementation of an unprecedented program of economic recovery over a decade, perceived by the international community as an example of adjustment with growth and a model for the rest of Africa, Ghana held its first multi-party elections in 1992, taking a decisive step to return to multi-party democratic rule. This paper focuses on Ghana’s economic development since the return to multi-party democracy in 1993. It starts with a review of economic management during the transition period (1992) to provide the context for the move to multi-party […]
May 24, 2019

Ghana’s Attempts at Industrialization: How Can the Country Achieve the Success It Yearns For? [Occasional Paper No. 19]

[Occasional Paper No. 19] Ghana’s Attempts at Industrialization: How Can the Country Achieve the Success It Yearns For? Since independence, Ghana has sought to extensively develop the manufacturing sector of the economy with the goal of becoming an industrialized nation, enjoying rapid and sustained economic growth and development. Yet, data reveal that the manufacturing sector has performed very poorly, leading to the failure of the country’s industrialization attempts despite strong policy attention paid to the sector. Economic fundamentals such as high fiscal deficits, macroeconomic instability, shortage of foreign currency, inadequate raw materials to feed the manufacturing industries, etc. have commonly […]