August 12, 2017
Occasional Paper 11. Economic Analysis of Advertising in the Legal market in Ghana and Proposals for Reform The law and economics framework is used to study the implication of lifting the ban on social media use in advertising in the legal market in Ghana, and how transaction costs, the information, bargaining, policing cost associated with transaction or an agency rule defines the integrity of the interactions between the two parties. Read full paper here Occasional Paper 11
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August 6, 2017
Fiscal Alert 6: The State of the Economy and the 2017 Budget Performance In line with the new Public Financial Management Act (Act 921), the Minister for Finance is required to present a mid-year review of the 2017 Budget Statement to Parliament before the close of July. Ahead of this presentation, the IFS has undertaken a review of the state of the economy and the performance of the budget. The IFS notes that the prospects for the economy in the remaining half of 2017 look promising. However, based on current challenges and risks confronting the budget implementation, more needs to […]
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June 6, 2017
Occasional paper 10. Fiscal Decentralization in Ghana: Progress and Challenges Policy makers in Ghana have lauded the fiscal decentralization as a positive driver of substantial government growth and development. Since 1992, Ghana has made strives at implementing fiscal decentralization in Ghana. However, the implementation of the program and management of revenue at the local level has been challenging. This paper provides a general overview of decentralization in Ghana and examines local government fiscal management Read full paper here Occasional Paper 10
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March 28, 2017
Policy Brief 4: A Review of Ghana’s 2017 Budget Not too long ago, the Ghanaian economy was one of Africa’s strongest. However the economy has witnessed a sharp decline in growth in the last three years. In this Policy Brief, the IFS brings to the attention of the new Government some critical economic challenges along with proposals to address them. IFS’ proposals are informed by the Institute’s conviction that Ghana needs new, bold and systematic policies capable of bringing about fundamental changes to the economy to enable it to deliver tangible socio-economic benefits to Ghanaians. Click here to read full report
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March 24, 2017
Occasional Paper 9. Fiscal Rigidities and their Effects in Ghana: What Should the Government Do? In spite of the fact that many reasons are usually used to justify the presence of fiscal rigidities, they have been found to pose serious fiscal and macroeconomic difficulties to some countries, particularly those in Latin America, since they make governments lose the discretion and flexibility to use fiscal policy to address emerging fiscal and macroeconomic challenges. Yet, fiscal rigidities have not received the needed attention in Africa in terms of research. This paper sheds light on fiscal rigidities and their fiscal and macroeconomic effects […]
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February 14, 2017
Policy Brief 3: Fiscal Rigidities and their Effects in Ghana Many arguments are often advanced to justify the establishment of rigidities in the public budget. However, a number of studies have found that fiscal rigidities pose serious fiscal and macroeconomic challenges in various countries. This paper seeks to assess the extent of rigidity in Ghana’s budget, examine the effects of fiscal rigidities in Ghana, and propose recommendations for Government in the face of the challenges posed by fiscal rigidities. Click here to read full report
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