
November 26, 2019

Policy Brief 9: Pass the Tax Exemptions Bill

In contrast to the rapid growth of expenditure, tax revenue in Ghana has remained very low as a share of GDP over the years due to the country’s tax-expenditure regime, including a wide range of exemptions and various forms of preferential tax treatment, concessions and low compliance. The continuous rise of tax exemptions impacts negatively on how much the government mobilizes as revenue to the state. Click here to read the full policy brief.
September 25, 2019

Assessing the management of Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) revenue [Policy Brief No. 8]

Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), the national oil company, receives close to one-third of the total petroleum revenues of Ghana, placing it at the core of the country’s aspirations towards effective management of its hydrocarbon resources. This policy brief presents the findings of a study which assessed transparency and efficiency in the management of the petroleum revenue allocated to GNPC. Click here to read the full report.
September 25, 2019

Assessing the management of Ghana Petroleum Funds [Policy Brief No. 7]

Ghana’s Petroleum Revenue Management Act (PRMA) requires a portion of petroleum revenues to be set aside in the Ghana Petroleum Funds (GPFs) for saving and investment. This policy brief presents the findings of a study which assessed transparency and efficiency in the management of the GPFs. To read the full report, click here.
September 25, 2019

Assessing management of the Ghana Petroleum Fund and Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) Revenue [Occasional Paper No. 21]

Since Ghana became a producer and exporter of oil in the late 2010, there has been strong public interest in the management of petroleum revenues accruing to the government, as it is believed that to make the revenues transformative demands their transparent and effective management. This report assess transparency and efficiency in the management of these revenues and offers recommendations to address observed shortcomings. Read the full report here.
May 24, 2019

Ghana’s Attempts at Industrialization: How Can the Country Achieve the Success It Yearns For? [Occasional Paper No. 19]

[Occasional Paper No. 19] Ghana’s Attempts at Industrialization: How Can the Country Achieve the Success It Yearns For? Since independence, Ghana has sought to extensively develop the manufacturing sector of the economy with the goal of becoming an industrialized nation, enjoying rapid and sustained economic growth and development. Yet, data reveal that the manufacturing sector has performed very poorly, leading to the failure of the country’s industrialization attempts despite strong policy attention paid to the sector. Economic fundamentals such as high fiscal deficits, macroeconomic instability, shortage of foreign currency, inadequate raw materials to feed the manufacturing industries, etc. have commonly […]
January 9, 2019

Enhancing Revenue Mobilization in Ghana through Tax Compliances

Fiscal Alert 16: Enhancing Revenue Mobilization in Ghana through Tax Compliance. Ghana’s tax/GDP (rebased) ratio currently sits below 13%. Not only is the country’s tax revenue as a share of GDP low in absolute terms, but it is also very low as a share of GDP relative to those of its African peers, pointing to the need to significantly increase tax revenue. Developing mechanisms to improve tax revenue has, however, become challenging on at least two fronts: (i) lack of good data on tax compliance; and (ii) difficulty in finding effective instruments for improving compliance, given the institutional constraints. One […]