Ghana: Implications of the Rising Interest Costs to Government

Fiscal Alert 4 : Ghana: Implications of the Rising Interest Costs to Government

One important feature of fiscal management in Ghana in the last few years has been the rapid rise in government
borrowing, not just a rise in real debt but also a rise in debt/GDP ratio, pushing the country into a debt trap. With the country posting double-digit fiscal deficits in three consecutive years since 2012 and financed through increased indebtedness, the government is now confronted with a huge and increasing interest payment burden. 

This paper looks at the trends in interest costs to the government, causes, and what needs to be done to ensure efficient management of the country’s debt.

Click here to read the full report
Public Debt and Sustainability: Whither Ghana?
November 30, 2015
Ghana: Implications of the Rising Interest Costs to Government
December 14, 2015